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Life is SIMPLE. It's just not easy.


在香港數碼行銷、傳播界工作6年,那實在是與工作愛恨交纏的關係。每天步跋急速、生產力高、跑來跑去急著解決問題,好像每天過得很充實,嘻嘻哈哈,同時把這個節奏帶到生活中,結果把壓力累積,無辦法真心享受過日子;把自我放大,無法感受身邊最真誠的關心。2019年,我趕上在29歲實現一個小夢想,去了趟荷蘭工作假期,由零開始學習生活上大小事物,重新檢視過去建立的價值觀、我成長成怎樣的我。他人的經歷、文化差異,暗暗地給我很多大衝擊、會心微笑「吖,對,這樣過也可以喔~」的時刻。想不到走出去看世界之大,也讓我意想不到地花更多時間 #往內看,也對心目中想要的生活有了更實在的描繪。因此,我很想鼓勵身邊的人也把握發掘自己的機會,Be your own inspiration,讓自己成為自己的光。


For 6 years, I worked at Digital Marketing & Communications fields. It was a Love & Hate relationship: I loved the dynamic at work but then when work and personal growth were too unbalanced, I was exhausted and collapsing. In 2019, I made it to pursue one of my dreams of a working holiday in the Netherlands. Learning everything from scratch allowed me to review a lot on myself, the values built over all these years. The shocks in culture and intercommunication inspired me to have a more stress-free attitude, "Oh right! That could work too!" Seeing how large is the world, exploring how spacious is our heart and mind. Therefore, encouraging people to explore the world, and #LookInside yourself becomes my pleasure. Be your own inspiration!

One day, it came to my mind "Wait, I was not like this, I was way happier as a child, I love drawing and DIY, these made me happy." I found that lost part of me and that original intention and ability of getting simply joy. I think it is time that I should take a balance there, combining the working experiences, skills, interests, ability and a joyful mind, to become the inspirational person to myself again. Be the light.

Love, Vysje


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By the way, in case you may wonder, my Dutch friend gave me the Dutch name Vysje, from Fyshie.
Isn't it cool?

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